TEDx Amsterdam Education (TEDxAmsterdamED): A Journey in Education and Connectivity

On September 27th, 2012, the prestigious Concertgebouw Amsterdam played host to the inaugural conference of TEDx Amsterdam Education (TEDxAmsterdamED). At this landmark event, future and current leaders converged to craft an informative, inspirational, and interactive day dedicated to the present and future of education for young people. The conference brought together essential stakeholders in the education landscape, including educators, administrators, parents, government representatives, education-focused companies, and the students themselves.

z25.org Takes the Lead:

Karim Amrani, the CEO of Jibly, entrusted Stichting z25.org with the pivotal task of creating a memorable experience for the very first TEDxAmsterdamED event.

Our solution was based on OpenBeacon, an open platform for active RFID applications developed by Bitmanufaktur GmbH.

Upon arrival at TEDxAmsterdamED, attendees were equipped with sensor tags capable of transmitting their location and detecting the proximity of other tags. Leveraging this data, we crafted captivating visualizations that allowed attendees to track their movements throughout the event and identify the individuals they had encountered.

Exploring TEDxAmsterdamED:

To delve deeper into the TEDxAmsterdamED experience, visit the following resources:

Our project for TEDxAmsterdamED epitomizes the fusion of technology and education, offering attendees an interactive journey through the event's vibrant tapestry of ideas and connections. It was an honor for z25.org to contribute to this celebration of innovation and education at TEDxAmsterdamED.